Friday, March 21, 2008

This dream was so f***ing weird....

Okay, so I'm in this forest area with a lot of people (mostly friends). Kind of a random collection of them. And there's this small lake in front of us. Maybe twenty feet, but really deep. And on the other side there was a little shack that was apparently a Lost and Found center. And apparently most people had lost something. Like, Henry had lost a bucket and Carly needed sixteen bags (I got the impression they were big and wondered how she would carry them). There was a small dirt pathway next to the lake to get there. So for some reason I decided to scramble there and I kinda pushed around and got to the shack. Then I was the first one inside and I walked up to the counter. There were various objects on the floor. When I was standing in front of this huge lady I remembered I hadn't lost anything. Feeling rather embarrassed that rushed past all these people who needed something when I did not, I turned tail and left. I also felt bad that I had pushed people around without a justified reason.

I began to walk across the dirt path when I was staring into the lake. I stopped dead in my tracks. It looked like a shark was swimming across the bottom of the lake back and forth, like in caves at the edges. A past acquaintance of mine, Jackie, had her foot in the lake. Even though I didn't like her much, I warned everyone of the shark. At first no one believed me but then I pointed it out, and everyone saw. Jackie quickly retracted her foot, and everyone began to back away from the lake. For some reason we couldn't go past the shack, only back the way we came. So we all began to do that, and the shark burst its head out of the water, and the whole forest area flooded. At this point, the shark turned into like a star shaped giant yellow squid or something. It had long yellow tentacles, but they had no suckers. But everyone could tell they were strong. So we all began to swim away. Looking back, I noticed that a friend of mine, Carly, was lagging a lot. And so I swam back a little, to help her, but as soon as I reached her she sped forward (like ridiculously fast). So I tried to catch up to her, and she started lagging again so I did. Then she was slow for awhile, and I was staying behind to help her. Then she sped forward ridiculously fast again and escaped. Meanwhile, the giant squid thing started to like create a small suction force thing, and this other girl, Raquel, and I were sucked in. The thing then picked up Raquel and broke her in half. Upon seeing this, you can imagine my fear. Then two tentacles started to come for me. I was surprised when I batted one aside, and made a tear on the other by pulling at it, when it broke Raquel with such minimal effort. Then I saw it had a weak spot. Like, where all the tentacles came together it had a small patch of soft tissue, with no beak. Not knowing what else to do, I punched it. To my surprise, it died at this point. Then I went home.

When I got home, I apparently had become Michael from Arrested Development. And I heard voice saying "And when Michael got home, He discovered the alien's brain function's had spread to his household appliances." The alien was apparently the squid thing, and whatever its brain function's were, it made all of vacuums and lights, and whatnot have a mind of there own and the vacuums started to bump into me. Not hard, but like they were nagging.

Then I woke up. After Andrew had a dream in Andrew's Travels 2, he wakes up and says "What the fuck?!" That was exactly my reaction. I think the Arrested Development thing came up cuz I was watching it last night. Maybe the shark became a squid cuz my brain didnt wanna deal with a shark, or maybe because I was watching this thing about giant squids last night (that thing was not, I repeat, was not a giant squid, it was a made up imaginary thing). After that, I have no clue. This has probably been the weirdest dream I've had, and certainly the most dumbfounding. Anyway, thought I'd share with the world how random my brain can be. See? It's not my fault I'm so weird.

**Note: The following comments from myself and Henry are nonsensical with no intellectual merit**

Another late night blog..this one started later

Hello, I'm back again. This is the second time this week I have blogged when tired and/or jittery late at night. Though, the last one ended around 2 in the morn. This one begins about then. I'm starting to blog more, hmmm..maybe this'll become a habit.

I think possibly the reason I blog so late at night is because I'm slightly inhibited logically because of my tiredness. Also, I have had two monsters in the last two days. This has been a mistake. I am feeling the crash, but am still jittery. I tend to have less logic when tired.

I think I have a bone bruise. When ever I flex my arm, or extend/contract it (right arm) I have this pain on my elbow. Feeling around, I discovered it right on a place where two bones meet. My bro says its a bone bruise, but I have come to worry because of the fact that two bones meet there that the cartilage might've worn away. This would be a really bad sign (especially since this usually necessitates a joint replacement, and that it usually only happens to old people). Anyway, thats painful.

I took to "nervous, nauseous, pacing" a while ago (eh, fifteen minutes). My stomach was out of whack in a pain way (most likely cuz of that blasted monster), nervous in my stomach like an intestinal pain (the last time i recall having this sort of feeling, it was right before i asked out a girl), and the pacing was probly cuz i am so jittery cause of that confounded monster! Likely the excess of caffeine, ginseng, and taurine caused all of the symptoms, but that only infuriates me further.

All of this seems odd in reflection, because I am not in a bad mood. Maybe it all seems better cause I've written about it. I don't feel physically good, and remain pessimistic, but I am not in a bad mood. There's a green vase in front of me, that looks like a green flower in the process of blooming. There are orange pillows behind me. I think this cools me down, because i like orange and the mix of flower and green make me happy. I've just realized how fruity all that sounds. C'mon, give me a break; I'm tired.

**written in only 16 minutes btw (the other took almost an hour i think)**

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Go down a little...

Hey, I wrote a draft and then wrote a new blog out of it so its below "Does everyone remember when..." If you'd like to check out the new blog, you just have to scroll down.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Does everyone remember when...

Does everyone remember when I got the "Which Beatles Song Describes Your Life Right Now?" result and it was Yesterday ( hell). Guess what? I was thinking about it earlier and I decided to take the test again. I did take it, and the results were different.

All You Need is Love
You are a warm, optimistic person who gets along with almost everyone. You have compassion for almost all living things and you have a strong desire to help others. People find your smile irresistible, as well as your sunny attitude towards life. With a little bit of love, you know that there's nothing you can't achieve.

Although this doesn't sound like me (i am so not optimistic, and my smile is putrescent..and sunny attitude! Gaffaw!), I like it better than yesterday. Yesterday was depressing cause I found so much truth in it. This one is positive though I don't identify with it. I don't know why, but the fact that I don't identify with it at all doesn't bother me. I think I'm glad.

Writers block...Go in that corner over there, nobody likes you and your phase is over!

Okay, start from the beginning. Lately, I have been having a writers block and only one thing has come out of it.

I can't write (doo doo dee doo)
I can't write (doo doo dee doo)
Cause something isn't going right

And I didn't write that. A friend did. So, when your a writer and you go through a period when someone else is describing what you cant, its bad for you (though it was hilarious when written and remains so). I recently came out of the block. I have began to write more on "Il n'y a rien plus importante que l'amour." I have also completed some lyrics, and started others. I have lots of ideas for songs and/or poems, but I don't feel better. Back in the day when I was cranking things out on a regular basis, it was almost all sad. All negative. None of them were happy. The one I wrote and completed most recently was saved as a draft on Gmail. The title of the song was AWAY. But, I made the subject "Amour! No es bueno!" In English, this means "Love! It's not good!" So, needless to say, it was fairly negative. I'm not sure why. I wrote in a rather cheerful mood, and most of it was, stuff like "we mesh so well." I was originally planning on posting it on this blog, but I decided against it. I found it personal and am not sure its ready to be released to the wild. Although, I am considering making a new blog persona and posting lyrics and poems I've written and hopefully will continue to write there.

Quivering in indecision
A quick blurr hazing my vision
She walks right past
Doesn't make it last

I cant think its anything
Perhaps just a teasing fling
I have the urge to act
Action is what I lacked

Giving up seems futile
Despite rigor being brutal
I somehow remain unabated
Yet am quite obviously deflated

I am so tired
Yet am so wired
Not for living persay
And not for the next day

I wrote this just now, while blogging. Seemed the thing to do. It doesn't have a title, and its a poem, not lyrics. Not my best work, but I am still getting back into the groove. Like I was saying, I have been able to write for the last few days, but I feel little different. I am relieved though. A friend of mine recently told me, perhaps the reason I couldn't write is because I used up all of my lyrics and poems. I spent thirteen years getting the emotion for em and now they're drained. She said that now I was just filling up again. I like this analogy. I've begun to drain again, so I guess another "block" is coming up eventually. Can I say how irritating it is to not be able to leak these things out? Its like an itch, and I've just been able to reach that place thats just too far out of reach on my back, and start itching. Reading over that, its a gross metaphor but I think the point gets across.

On a pleasanter note I went to the SD zoo 2day. All of the jungle cats reminded me of Hat-Shep-Suit. I missed her a lot when I saw the Lynx's especially. Then I got home and had to do the litter box (yechhh! Hadnt been done since Mon morning so it was pretty terrible). But now she is curled up in a little ball next to me purring (aka I better get going and pet her). Also, I'd like to apologize for the time this long blog may have taken up. I just needed to get somethings off my chest (and apparently write a poem!).

Btw, Hat would say goodnight but she's too busy being asleep. Normally I'd blame this on feline laziness, but seeing as its 1:43 in the morning, I can't really blame her. I should be sleeping too, so goodnight everyone (or those reading).