Friday, March 21, 2008

Another late night blog..this one started later

Hello, I'm back again. This is the second time this week I have blogged when tired and/or jittery late at night. Though, the last one ended around 2 in the morn. This one begins about then. I'm starting to blog more, hmmm..maybe this'll become a habit.

I think possibly the reason I blog so late at night is because I'm slightly inhibited logically because of my tiredness. Also, I have had two monsters in the last two days. This has been a mistake. I am feeling the crash, but am still jittery. I tend to have less logic when tired.

I think I have a bone bruise. When ever I flex my arm, or extend/contract it (right arm) I have this pain on my elbow. Feeling around, I discovered it right on a place where two bones meet. My bro says its a bone bruise, but I have come to worry because of the fact that two bones meet there that the cartilage might've worn away. This would be a really bad sign (especially since this usually necessitates a joint replacement, and that it usually only happens to old people). Anyway, thats painful.

I took to "nervous, nauseous, pacing" a while ago (eh, fifteen minutes). My stomach was out of whack in a pain way (most likely cuz of that blasted monster), nervous in my stomach like an intestinal pain (the last time i recall having this sort of feeling, it was right before i asked out a girl), and the pacing was probly cuz i am so jittery cause of that confounded monster! Likely the excess of caffeine, ginseng, and taurine caused all of the symptoms, but that only infuriates me further.

All of this seems odd in reflection, because I am not in a bad mood. Maybe it all seems better cause I've written about it. I don't feel physically good, and remain pessimistic, but I am not in a bad mood. There's a green vase in front of me, that looks like a green flower in the process of blooming. There are orange pillows behind me. I think this cools me down, because i like orange and the mix of flower and green make me happy. I've just realized how fruity all that sounds. C'mon, give me a break; I'm tired.

**written in only 16 minutes btw (the other took almost an hour i think)**

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